Duplicate Content

If you are not familiar with the duplicate content or content theft issues that are happening on the internet you should tune in. Content theft is becoming a huge issue, not only because it is the complete lack of creativity, but it is also becoming a major reason why websites are falling in the search rankings as well as not getting their in the first place. I want to touch on a couple of different concepts. The first being template websites.
We all know about mass market template websites. Cheap and easy to use they may be, but are they a road to nowhere for a real estate agent. The answer is yes. Template websites are no longer going to hold nor achieve rankings that they once did in the late 90's and early 00' and the reason is simple. Templates are cookie cutter designs which are created only one time and then mass produced in order to eliminate design and coding costs. Not only are they not being recognized by search engines for their design, but the code as well is also mass produced.
With this being said why would a search engine put two websites with the same exact information on the first page of search engines, doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the internet. Wasn't the internet created as an information source so when you type in a phrase or "search term" you then obtain as much unique quality information available? How long will it take for the 500,000 realtors that are receiving no business from their website to understand that templates are a mean to an end?
On a more technical level here are some examples of source code from 2 different realtors websites:
(Go to your browser after you pull up the example and click (VIEW) then
select (SOURCE) Do this on both examples and then compare:
Please take time to look at both pages of code and compare them and see if you see a difference between them. You do not have to be an coding expert to see that both of the source pages are exactly the same. If we can see this, why would we think that search engines can’t? It’s time to get smart and set yourself apart from the rest of the world and build your business on something unique and quality!
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