"Please get an IDX"
My girlfriend and I were recently browsing around comparing prices between San Diego and Milwaukee, and San Diego and Portland OR. And I almost went crazy. Why you might ask? Well it’s pretty simple; we were finding it difficult to see property. We found it very easy to find real estate websites. There were all kinds from AA to Ihouse 2000 but still no property. 90% of the websites that we came across didn't have an IDX solution and if for some reason they did it was behind a contact form. Putting up a contact form and requiring a consumer to give there personal information is the fastest way to drive away clients from your website. Some people may argue this by saying, "if they were serious, they would fill out the form" I would like those who think this way to stop and ask yourselves this question. When you are in the process of purchasing a car what do you do? Well chances are you probably drive to a car lot and walk around and look at all of the pretty cars and then contact a representative in order to find out the price. Mmmm...If you were to show up at the car lot and have to fill out a loan application before browsing what would you do? More than likely leave the lot. With this being said, take down your contact forms and give the consumer the ability to shop through a MLS search so they can view hundreds of homes, if you give them all the homes in your MLS to browse through why would they leave your site, just like if you were to show up on a car lot with all the cars available in your city you would stay until you found the car your heart desires. So Realtors slow down, and think about how you shop and pretend you are trying to offer a service to yourself.
Get a MLS (especially if you are in Milwaukee)
here is an example of a good Maui Real Estate MLS SEARCH
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