Deep thoughts for realtors 1

Custom vs. Template
As search engines progress we feel that they are starting to slowly weed out template websites. There are a number of reasons for this.
Template companies integrate the same information into large numbers of websites creating duplicate content. From a search engine perspective this is horrid. For example if you have a template chances are the majority of your pages are located on some of your local competitors’ sites. Most real estate agents like the idea of having a website published right away, however they are forgetting the fact that the tools and information that they have pre created for them is the same thing that destroys their rankings. When search engines spider websites they are looking at a number of things like unique content good structure, tags and inbound links. If these spiders are crawling through a template website and they recognize a portion of content being exactly the same as a website in the same market who should the spider give credit to. Realtors should take time and think things through before purchasing a template website. Why would a realtor that wants to set themselves apart from their competitors purchase a website that does just the opposite? This defeats the purpose of self promotion and inhibits a real estate professional’s ability to achieve high rankings. I would love to hear some comments regarding this point.

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